Now You Can Get All The Support And Comfort You Need… With No Shoe Crowding, No Heel Slip, No Stink, and NO HASSLE! FINALLY We’re back in stock!

The First Non-Intrusive, Reusable & Universal Orthotic
The Soul Insole Shoe Bubble Pro-Lite

Prevents over-pronation

Supports flat feet and high arches

Relieves pressure from the heel and forefoot

Creates better posture, alignment, and balance

We have a limited supply of Shoe Bubbles, and once we sell out, that means THE SECRET IS OUT, and our prices will go up, so take advantage of this opportunity Right Now.
The 100% No-Risk Promise
Order right now with confidence, while supplies last!!
Try it out for 60 days and if it doesn’t work for you, you’ll get your money back!
There’s absolute no-risk in giving it a try. Even if you decide you just don’t like the transparent color, you can get your money back!
Soul Insole® Quality

Soul Insole® foot rehabilitation medical products are the #1 choice by top Athletic Therapists and Medical Practitioners worldwide. We provide guaranteed results and customer satisfaction. There simply isn’t a better-performing option. All Soul Insole® products come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Try our products and if you are not completely impressed, you can send them back for a full refund. We know you will love them though because thousands of people already use them and rave about the results.
How To Place Shoe Bubbles Into Shoes & Sandals

Soul Insole Guarantee: Soul Insole strives to keep you totally fulfilled and gratified, which is why we offer a 30-day, money back guarantee. If at any point you decide it’s not right for your feet, remember you are protected by the highest standard 100% money-back guarantee. Just send us the used inserts and we’ll refund you to the last penny, no questions asked. If after 60 days of use, you are unhappy and would like a refund, here’s exactly what to do:
Go to to submit your request online, and we’ll provide the address for returns.Return the insoles, the Soul Insole invoice that was received, and the confirmation number you have been assigned.It is your obligation to pay the return postage.We will refund your entire order, excluding shipping costs.If you have any issues doing the return through clickbank, reach out to us directly and we will help!
These guidelines were created to keep you satisfied, while at the same time ensuring we can continue to provide a quality product to other happy customers for years to come. After complying with the steps above, please allow adequate time for shipping, quality control, and communication with credit card companies and banks as you patiently await your refund.